Antistress, anxiety reduction with Yoga


Yes, yes! -YOGA- Read it until the end, believe me , you won't get disappointed. * Based on research and information from specialists and personal experience. Almost all of us at a certain time of our life have heard of it, the -Yoga- . Some have immediately started practising it, while others have left just at that point that they began reading about it ... But only few of them recognized the values ​​of its qualities and unfortunately only in their bad moments, the delicate points of their psychology. So psychology, as it is intertwined with it, complements it, improves it. It has been proven that people who have made Yoga part of their life , have: - less stress during the day - lower anxiety levels - are more compromising - and calm - have more self-confidence Yoga can be practiced at any time, by any person and even by pregnant women- with certain programs under the supervision of specialist's instructions. For the rest who may encounter any problems with balance or positions due to deformity or fracture, it is advisable to communicate with a specialist for more detailed information. And you can also find many YouTube videos to practice. I would advise you as a person who practices Yoga to avoid any negative thoughts and be free to enjoy it to the maximum. In the beginning, you may hesitate , steppe, it may seem strange to you when we say that we achieve these, these... BENEFITS from yoga. Trust me. You can achieve THEM because the movements are magical, the positions in which oxygen is released, fill the muscles, the body, as well as the heart . A plus information: took more than 1000 years to discover , so it is No coincidence. I advise Yoga to be done and for a while you will see, you will be placed in its melody. The ideal combination is the one with sportive activity, nature. Yoga in nature in your favourite places that soothes you is your medicine...And then a chamomile tea and you will see the difference. Most interestingly, do Yoga with the people of your heart, put your brain to fantasize. Indeed time is short after day commitments , but is it more important than you?? Even when it comes to your health ?! Still not up?  



        Below are two videos found on YouToube for begginers:


